I am so ready to say goodbye to 2009 and HELLO to 2010! I am thankful for all that 2009 offered to me - both professionally and personally but I know that 2010 holds many surprises in store for me! I feel that it is going to be a GREAT year for me....How about you?
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year..Welcome 2010!
I am so ready to say goodbye to 2009 and HELLO to 2010! I am thankful for all that 2009 offered to me - both professionally and personally but I know that 2010 holds many surprises in store for me! I feel that it is going to be a GREAT year for me....How about you?
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas
Here's hoping you're keeping your family close during the Christmas season and enjoying the love of being together.
Have a Merry Christmas !
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I'm Back!
I've had some technical difficulties lately with my blog....but I'm back and getting ready for the holidays. We are in the middle of a snowstorm, here in the Northeast. I'm sitting by the Christmas tree with the tree lit as the snow falls all around us . Hope you are warm and dry and in the holiday spirit!
Be good to yourself,
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Image by controltheweb via Flickr
The turkey's in the oven, the macaroni and cheese is made, the stuffing is waiting in the fridge, the sweet potatoe casserole has the marshmallows waiting to toast and of course one disaster has already been made today (the turkey was bad - smelling to high heaven and had to go back to the store and get another one at seven this morning!!) All this and it's only 9am this morning! I'm almost jealous of people that eat at normal times like 6pm but my family insists on eating at 12:30. We've been doing it that way since I was a kid in Mississippi...years (too many to count) ago.
To all of you, a Happy Thanksgiving..no matter when you celebrate. Enjoy your family and friends! If you plan to take advantage of the Black Friday deals...have fun! Me..I'll be working and trying to get some rest this weekend. I've got a lot of painting to do to catch up for the blah mood I've been in lately.
Don't forget to stop by my website for some great deals on art. I'm trying to mark down everything to clean off the shelves forfresh new product. I have an ad coming out in the January Somerset Studio and I'd like to stock the shelves with new artwork. Take advantage of the sale prices now for the holidays.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Art Sale
Sunday, November 8, 2009
New Shadow Boxes
Saturday, November 7, 2009
No thoughts, none....
Image by Martin LaBar via Flickr
My mind is completely void of creativity....I feel like I am in a vortex of blah! I joined Mystele's Gut Art class to jump start my creative juices...I haven't gotten past the first 5 videos.
I decided to do something different in my studio so I started some vintage sewing machine drawer shadow boxes. I almost finished one, started another...there they sit on my messy art table.
I have some projects I want to start for the girls for Christmas. Maybe if I get in my studio and do a really good cleaning I'll get a little bit motivated.
Do you ever feel this way? Like someone sucked all the creative thoughts out of your head? I know that work is getting in the way of my art and I don't like it! What do you do to get you art Mojo back? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas.
Be good to yourself,
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
There was fun for all yesterday at the psych hospital..this is just a few of the costumes. After spending the day celebrating Halloween a day early, we went out to dinner and then to the Goodwill store.
I picked up a cashmere turtleneck Talbots sweater for $3.00, a Banana Republic sweater for $3.00 and a J. Crew button down shirt for $3.50. I think I did well don't you??
Take care of your trick or treaters and yourself!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Hello Sunday!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Those Curls!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Image via Wikipedia
I'd like to put a question out to those of you that artists...What type of crackle product do you use? I'm looking for a product that you use AFTER you finish the painting - everything I've used is the two step process that requires a contrasting coat of paint. I'm looking for the crackle that you can apply to the entire painting with a antiquing glaze or stain. Any ideas???
I hope you have great plans for the weekend...stay warm and dry..we're in the middle of a nor'easter.
Be good to yourself,
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Blooms and Birds...and the return of my life!
I am so delighted to have been given my life back! I saw my back surgeon today for my post-op visit....the last time I was there I was wheeled in in a wheelchair, in excruciating pain. Today, I walked in - a new woman! In my eyes, he is a miracle worker! I go back to work tomorrow with restrictions and start physical therapy this week. In order to prevent this from happening again (My spine is in terrible shape due to arthritis) I will need to get myself in shape and stay that way. (Here we go again!) Core exercises, yoga and weight loss....that's my prescription for good health.
Here's wishing you good health today.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Berries and Birds
I'm very drawn to birds these days. I wonder what that means? I have several more "bird" paintings in the works. Expect to see more.
Be good to yourself,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
97th post...and New Art
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
New Art Work..Blackbirds Fly
Just finished this 12 x 12 mixed media piece..took me longer than usual due to my surgery. I'm moving a bit slow these days but I'm determined that this is not going to get me down. We will be adding this to my website JacksonSquare Studios on Thursday.
Stay tuned for more art updates...I'm trying to get back in the groove again - It's been awhile since I've felt like painting or doing anything for that matter! Hope you are enjoying the first taste of fall!
Have a great day!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Last Day of 20% off Sale

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Melange Team Challenge - Heavenly
This week's Melange Team Challenge is "Heavenly" Since I haven't been able to pain lately, I brought out my painting "Jane" that I paintied while taking Jane Des Rosier's class. I just love her techniques. I can only aspire to be half as good as her!
Go to the Melange Team Website and look at the other great blog entries....they are quite Beautiful!!
Have a heavenly day.
XO Karen
Home from Back surgery..on the mend
Image by Salihan.com via Flickr
So surgery went well! Amazinly well! The first few hours were a bit worrisome...There was much more to do inside my spine than he anticipated (he had to "chistle" much longer than usual and had to move my spine over to get to a large calcification). All of this meant, two hours longer in surgery and the probability of more pain. When I woke up, my leg was hurting like crazy! I was so disappointed but when my doctor was notified, he ran three doses of massive steroids and that pain went away.
It's Thursday morning, I've been home since yesterday and am doing great! The only pain I have is getting up and down. No leg pain, no hip pain - which is blesssed relief. I had so many people tell me that last day work "I'm praying for tomorrow" - I have to believe that someone was listening because I could have been feeling much worse right now! I don't want to push it...but I'm going to try to get in the studio and paint just a little this afternoon and a little longer tomorrow. I'm not going to push myself...I'll just see how it goes!
How's your days? Are you creating anything ? I'd love to see it. (Living vicariously through others, you know??)
Have a great day!
XO Karen
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Gwyn the good witch
Here's my entry for the team challenge this week "Wee Witches". I haven't painting much due to my upcomin back surgery and horrible back and leg pain but I must say...I'm missing my studio like crazy! I saw the topic, had this little sketch drawn up and the background already to go....and well, her you go!
Gwyn, the Good Witch is a mixed media piece completed on a 12 x 12 piece of birch panel. I used modeling paste on the background to create a textured background and painted over it with a sort of china blue color. My little with is collaged on along with patterned papers, book pages and sheet music for interest. There's some stamping and painting on the background for visual interest too. A little sparkle and charcoal for aging the piece and she's ready to go! Hope you enjoy her. She will be posted on my website this weekend for sale.
If you are interested before then. send me a comment and we can work something out!!
Go over to the Melange Team Site and check out all of the beautiful artwork that the team members submit! You will be amazed by the loveliness of it all! You might even be tempted to join in next week...you don't have to be a member to play!
Have a great day!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Giveaway Winner!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Art Updates
It's been difficult to paint this week...the injection I got in my back seems to have made things worse. The doctor seems to think that the discs that were injected may have herniated or ruptured so I am getting a new MRI on Monday. Meanwhile, I am barely walking, am sleeping in a chair and am in the worst pain I've ever been in my life! I'm just hoping that once the doctor diagnosis the problem that they fix it QUICK!
I'm adding these little canvases to my website this week. They are 8x10..love the bright colors and all of them have either wooden knobs or glass knobs on top! They will be priced at $24.95....what a DEAL!! Go to www.jacksonsquarestudios.com and pick up one today!!
Have a great Sunday!!