It was a beautiful day today! I spent most of it working in the hospital but managed to squeeze in a long walk with the little dogs to the park after work. So long....that we had to carry Jackson, our oldest (three years old) Bischon halfway home! It's amazing that just a few days ago, things looked so dark and bleak for me. I've started reading the book "Life is a Verb" and made a conscious decision to "participate" in life and have begun to feel SO much better! Just taking a walk outside has made such a diference in my life.
My son is graduating from Clemson in two weeks - what a blessing to him and all of us! He is so excited that today is last day of class! Only yesterday, it seems that we moved him into the dorm his freshman year....Two weeks after that my niece will graduate from Salisbury University...again, it seems that it was just yesterday that she was moving in with us as a fourteen year old!
I hope that you are counting your blessings today! And taking good care of yourself.