shows you how Dreary....things are here.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday morning....really early
shows you how Dreary....things are here.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Suzi Blu Workshop
Friday, March 27, 2009
Spools, spools and more spools

Got a great deal on wooden spools which means they will be showin up in our Vintage Finds Shoppe.... They are in great shape and are in every size and shape. Most of them are FULL of thread, cotton name it. Great for crafts and projects! They are being sold in lots of 10 for $10.00 Step right on over to JacksonSquareHome to check out the vintage deals available today. If that one happens to be hold...not to worry...there's plenty more where that one came frome. I just need to re-list it. I just remembered that when I listed it I only listed quantity as 1 when there's like a bajillion!
Well...that's my Friday deal...I'm working many hours this week and haven't stepped foot in my studio and if I did my brain would be too fried to create a thing. This first week back at work is KILLING ME! Looking forward to resting up this weekend.....
Have a great Friday
Have a great Friday
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Back to Work Tomorrow.... vacation is over. Back to work tomorrow and my creativity has come to a screetching halt! I've been sewing some spring and summer clothes but I've got so many projects started in my's an absolute mess! I'm taking a background workshop at Creative Workshops and haven't even started the's now in the second week of the workshop!! Oh goodness, I've become a slacker! Oh well, there's always next weekend! briefcase is packed, my clothes are layed out and my lunch is ready. The office awaits. I'll check by in later. Have a great day.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Her gallery is AMAZING. She is a self-taught artist who paints still life paintings in an amazing way. One of her paintings is a row of vintage hats....Oh, I just love it. Can't afford it...but I love it!
Have a great...
Happy St. Patricks Day!!
I hope you are wearing your best green today. And underwear doesn't count!
Friday, March 13, 2009
New..Art Work
Mixed Media Collage on canvas. Two little slips of dresses sewn on paper with vintage buttons and lace on collaged background. Available at my etsy shoppe.
Have a great Friday!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Setting Limits...
During the past few weeks, I have spent time at home, away from my very stressful job. I have been recovering from surgery to repair an injury I received when a psychiatric patient threw me against the wall. After that injury, I returned to work three days later to find another patient hanging from a t-shirt in his doorway. In the process of quickly removing him...I further damaged my shoulder.
For two years, it has not been convenient for my employer for me to have surgery to repair my arm. Both of these patients have come and gone through our fact, the female that threw me into the wall, also injured another female staff much in the same way. For two years, I have worked at least ten hours a day and taken calls from nursing staff every day and night of the week. For one weekend of the month I am expected to go the facility on the weekends as the administrator on call, make sure that the doctor on call knows what patients to see and ensure that the facility runs smoothly for that weekend. Of course, days off are not given for that weekend worked.

While I have been on medical leave, I have completely left the facility behind. I have painted, created collage, looked at magazines, talked to my dogs, my children and my parents. I have read blogs, joined web groups and simply enjoyed life. Actually I have joined life.

While I have been on medical leave, I have completely left the facility behind. I have painted, created collage, looked at magazines, talked to my dogs, my children and my parents. I have read blogs, joined web groups and simply enjoyed life. Actually I have joined life.
As I prepare to return to work in a couple of weeks, I am deciding to make changes. My job will not run my life. I will work to live, not live to work. I know that there are many people out there that don't have jobs, that I am lucky to have a job. But there are limits to what anyone should expect and I really feel that at this stage in my life, (the second half) peace and harmony are what is important.
I love my job...I love this field of mental health! I went to nursing school to be a Psychiatric Nurse. But we teach our patients to put up boundaries to keep themselves healthy and that's what I'm doing for myself....let's see how well it goes over at work!!
What about you? Do you have strong boundaries for yourself? If not, start now, take care of yourself today.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Friday Flea Market
A lovely vintage bracelet.....delicate cream colored petals edged in gold , one little rhinestone in the center. It is the prettiest little thing on your long as your wrist is no bigger than 7 1/2".....
This bracelets is available in my shoppe JacksonSquareCottage. Stop on by to see all the vintage deals available today.
Have a great Friday...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Snow Tales...
Off to finish my tags...putting them in the mail this afternoon...
Have a great Tuesday...
Monday, March 2, 2009
New...Altered Journals
I'm really funny about the kind of paper I can use for has to be smooth...the lines have to be dark - crazy right? Well, we were at Borders last week and they had some really great journals with REALLY great , 100% recycled paper. So I picked up a few and made them really pretty and have them all ready to go in my etsy shoppe.
I have one more but it's not quite finished because I woke up with some kind of killer stomach bug yesterday....I had so many things on my "To do List" but I ended up laying in the bed all day drinking ginger ale. Today..we are snowed in so maybe I'll get something done!!
Have a great Monday,
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